Thursday, December 27, 2012

Once a screw up always a screw up

Warning.  This is a mindless rant.

I hate my life, I hate who I am, I hate that I can't do anything right at all regardless of whether its family, friends, work, a relationship, anything.  I fuck everything up every single fucking time.  I'm a at fucking worthless pig and I don't deserve to even be sitting on this floor writing this post that I doubt anyone is going to read cause I'm just that unimportant in the grand scheme of things.  I should just end it all.  Everyone would be so much happier that way.  One less idiot to worry about.


  1. I wouldn't be happier. You're not a screw up sweetie. I'm giving you a hug right now (( )) Please try and keep your head up.

  2. Please dont talk like this. I know it is easier said than done but I would miss you and I know lots of others that would to. You dont mess everything up you just try and make everyone happy and you cant do that. Please keep us posted on how you are feeling whether it be good bad or ugly we are here for you. <3

  3. Your life has worth. You are important to more people than you can ever know.

    When the world(and myself)feels ugly to me, often I turn to Mary Oliver's poetry. She has a way of making me recognize the beauty that surrounds me, and I find it harder to feel hatred.

    This is called Morning Poem by Mary Oliver.

    "Every morning
    the world
    is created.
    Under the orange

    sticks of the sun
    the heaped
    ashes of the night
    turn into leaves again

    and fasten themselves to the high branches ---
    and the ponds appear
    like black cloth
    on which are painted islands

    of summer lilies.
    If it is your nature
    to be happy
    you will swim away along the soft trails

    for hours, your imagination
    alighting everywhere.
    And if your spirit
    carries within it

    the thorn
    that is heavier than lead ---
    if it's all you can do
    to keep on trudging ---

    there is still
    somewhere deep within you
    a beast shouting that the earth
    is exactly what it wanted ---

    each pond with its blazing lilies
    is a prayer heard and answered
    every morning,

    whether or not
    you have ever dared to be happy,
    whether or not
    you have ever dared to pray."

    Sorry this is so long. I just want to stress that you are worthy of love, and there is beauty in the world unfurling itself for you.

