Saturday, January 21, 2012

So she ran away in her sleep

Well...since I told my dad, hes really only asked me once if I've been eating.  I said yes, and I had, cause I was out with a friend that day.  I've been eating dinner in front of him, but not much else during the day.  I mean, he can't just expect me to start eating out of no where.  Today I've had 1 cup of frozen mixed berries, a few chocolate covered craisens, and 100 calorie bag of popcorn.   For dinner it's just me and my mom so I can probably get away with just having some white rice.

Work sucks even more then usual.  I feel like he's just trying to get me to quit so he won't have to pay unemployment, but I'm not quitting, if he doesn't want me there he's gonna have to fire me.  I've been doing everything he wants and doing the best I can, I won't let him run me out just because he's an asshole.  He's still sending me down to Florida, but he said I have until the 11th to be more confident at work.  Keep in mind hes leaving for 10 days, so I'll pretty much only have 1 work week to show him my "confidence"  that just says to me that hes not interested in seeing me gain confidence in my work.  I would be if it weren't for him always picking on me and putting down my work.

Ah well.  I just have to hang in there as long as I can, keep putting money away, and yea I don't know.  I want to get my bachelors degree, go back to school, but for what I don't know.  I guess I should focus on myself before I start changing my life though. 

Hope your all doing great, I'll try and be a better blogger and update more!


  1. hang in there, sorry about your boss at work. Hope things get better :)

  2. Your boss sounds horrible, hope everything turns out ok :)
