Saturday, February 18, 2012

So I have pneumonia...

This post has pretty much nothing to do with anything except the fact that I am running on empty.  Cant stop coughing.  Again.  Gonna be another night with no sleep and I just cant do this anymore.  I'm just so so tired.  So tired.  My right side, thats where the pneumonia is, my right lung, hurts and I cant get comfortable.  Not that it matters cause I can't stop coughing anyways.  My lungs decided to hate me again and send me into an uncontrollable coughing fit where I resorted to using the inhaler I was given to see if it would help.  I'm supposed to use it twice a day, 2 puffs in the morning, 2 puffs at night.  But it helped a lot, and I'm actually not coughing at all now.  So I'm gonna end my little pity party and try to fall asleep, gotta wake up at 4 to take the cough medicine again, hopefully a third dose will get it into my system enough that it starts working...I'm just...not a happy person right now.


  1. Sounds awful. Hope you start to feel better soon.

  2. im sorry sweetie! please feel better soon!!!
