Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Well it's almost time for summer, and I live at the beach. So I spend a lot of time at the beach. It's time to get serious. I looked at myself in the mirror this morning (like I always do...) but ugh my thighs are huge. And I'm bloated. Granted my period should be coming tomorrow, lovely birth control pills, so I have to stop at cvs tomorrow anyways i'll just get some diuretics too. I'm also thinking of trying those Abdominal Cuts pills and see how they work. GNC is just next door to cvs lol.

Saturday I'm going to the tanning salon, 20% off packages...I don't want to go everyday or even every week but a few times so I'm not deathly pale by summer would be nice. My best friend might come too, we've hardly talked since she moved in with her boyfriend and we're both like I miss you! I hope we get to hang out some.

So today started off really bad food wise, i won't even go into detail. But I've decided no meat. Fish is ok, it's better for you and less calories, less fat. I had a tilapia fillet (frozen...buy 80 cals. Comes 2 in a pack so I'll probably buy a few boxes) and a kiwi for dessert. I've got tmw almost planned out, still adding up calories and trying to come up with alternatives. I'll update you tomorrow on how it goes!

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