Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why. Me.

So not only do I have like no voice at this point in time. This guy I used to hook up with is texting me again. He just broke up with his girlfriend. And I get a text. Like really he couldnt ask me out, but he asks her out...granted he was still trying to text me but I told him no way. So tonight he's like are you avoiding me? And I was like no it's just hard with one car and 3 people using it and I can't tonight cause i go to bed at 10 (I'm usually exhausted before 10 but then people would question it and say maybe if you ate you would have more energy). So I said I would text him tomorrow. I'm not really interested in him, I'm interested in this guy I wrote about a few posts ago, the guy in the army. He's gonna be home for 3 weeks no later then the 18th :D. But the point is I'm too nice of a person to say anything to this guy. He had his chance and he never asked me out. I even asked him where we were headed and he was like i don't know. Now I don't know what to do. I'm tired of being used by guys for just a good time. I found someone who actually might care about me and now he comes back. Ugh. I wish my friend could text, she's dating his brother, but her phone isn't working.

Anyways. Today was a horrible day food wise. Not only did I binge, it wasn't even a good binge like on fruits or vegetables. It was all crappy food that has left me feeling so sick. I'm hoping I feel better tomorrow, but in taking it super light tomorrow regardless. Well it's 10:30 and I'm beyond tired, I'm gonna end this bad day and just go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. "It'll all be better in the morning". Tell that boy he missed his chance- you don't need to be wasting your time, energy, and pretty little emotions on someone like him. Don't worry too much about the binge, you can make up for it :).
