Tuesday, November 29, 2011

nothing new about me

The only thing Im stressed about right now is the boyfriend.  He was supposed to call me yesterday after his drive to his base was over.  Sunday at 6pm my time he said he had about 500 miles left but he was on icy mountain roads so that he would text me after he got there and got some sleep.  Well its now 8 pm on Tuesday.  WTF?!  Im so scared that hes not ok.  I've sent a bunch of texts and one email.   Ugh I just hope I hear something soon.  Im going crazy.

Im beginning to realize there is a very big possibility that he just broke his phone.  SO im gonna stick with that and trust that his driving skills are good and that well he just doesnt have internet yet.  Wont stop me from checking my email every chance I get, but im gonna be able to sleep with that thought in mind :)

And from my last post and the comments I got.  Im not gonna purge.  I told my boyfriend and he asked me not to.  I liked that it wasnt a command and told me that he actually grew up with someone who died from bulimia.  So i promised him I wouldnt.  I know it wont help in any way that I want it to anyways, it just seems like its nice to have a release.  I think I have one though!  The other assistant asked me to go to this class with her every Tuesday.  Apparantly its pretty intense cause she was pretty sore today.  Im looking forward to it :)  especially since I really wanted to get back in shape for taking classes next year seeing as I want to do athletic training and all...So thank you all!  It means the world to me that you all care so much :)

1 comment:

  1. DARLING! it sounds soo stressful i hope your boyfriend is okay! lots of looove. xoxo
    purging sucks. dont pretty please.
