Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So right now everyone is eating dinner in front of me (in the living room cause the kitchen table is all cluttered) ribs, macaroni salad, and asparagus.  I said I'm not hungry yet and I'll eat in a few hours.  I really don't want ribs.  But I'm gonna have to eat.  So I'm only having one...and a tiny bit of the side dishes...more of the aspargus so they can't complain about how much I'm not eating.  I really really need to go get a gym membership.  This one gym has a seperate floor for women, but if the equipment is newer on the other floor for both men and women I'm just going there.  It's the only way I'm gonna lose this weight in a reasonable amount of time.  I'm just gonna run and run until I feel like I'm going to pass out then run some more.  Only bad thing is I found out the guy that I work with, the front desk guy, he's going to this gym now too.  I really don't want to run into him there.  He's always commenting on my eating habits and well to be honest he's kind of cute, not my type but still cute.  And I would just be all embarassed if he saw me outside of work, looking horrible cause my scrubs are big and you cant see how much I weigh in them.  Lol see how much I weigh, well you all know what I mean.

I bought this awesome short black and silver cheetah print dress.  It fits...but it's hard to zipper once I get to a certain point.  It will zipper but it's a bit tight too.  So i'm determined to fit in it, although I have no where to wear it, but thats besides the point, I'll feel awesome that I fit into it and that's whats most important.

My skin is so dry too.  Mostly my hands because of work, but for my face I got a new moisturizer, and a scrub, we'll see how it works, my skins so sensitive I can hardly use anything.  I have to almost full bottles of stuff I had to give to my sister cause they made me face all red and burn.  So I hope this stuff is ok.

Hope your all doing well, have a great New Year if I don't post before then!

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