Friday, September 9, 2011

Am I a Sucker?

Probably, but I dont care.  I pulled a risky move to talk to the guy my last post was about, but I did get his attention and we talked for hours, we both decided we want to make this work even thought it's going to be really hard for the next two years.  But I don't care, he's the one I want to be with, he wants to be with me, I can make some sacrifices.  I mean its not like I already don't everyday...

I had half a turkey hoagie today at work because my manager wanted me to get lunch with her, and unfortunately my soda wasn't diet.  But that and the burger at home for dinner was all I had, more then enough in my opinion.

I got the job I wanted, Im not sure if I wrote about it at all.  I start tomorrow, it's a half day at work so I'll be shown the opening procedures and how he works with his assistant, so I'm pretty excited about it :)  It couldnt have come at a better time, my cars acting up now, all it needs is to last a few paychecks and I'll have a decent down payment for a car!

Im at a platau weight wise however, I just cant get past 110lbs.  Im sure it'll be easier once me and my friend start going to the gym though, my only exercise right now is work, and it seems my usual eating just isnt cutting it for weightloss anymore.  Well, that will change soon enough.  I feel awkward about it now.  He wants me to be healthy, happy.  I don't know how.  I'm happy when I'm with him, talking to him, but it doesn't mean I know how to just change what I've been doing since as long as I can remember, what I've always thought about myself.

This is me saying that I'm going to try though.  I'm gonna go to the gym, and try and eat healthy, and be healthy but still look how I want to look...if it's at all possible, I think it is.  It's kinda embarassing I'm such a Miley Cyrus fan haha I know who would of thought it, but even besides that if I wasn't she would still be my thinspiration, I think she's perfect.  That's my goal for now.

Stay beautiful girls!  Take care :)

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like things are looking up for you! I hope everything goes well. I need to get back in the gym and give myself a boost! Stay strong darling <3
