Saturday, October 1, 2011

Start of a New Day

Today was a good day.  I woke up in a good mood (an amazing feat in itself) extremely tired, but overall in a good mood.  Didn't eat breakfast, I usually don't because I prefer to sleep in as much as I can.  Didn't get time for lunch at work, but really wasn't all that hungry to begin with.  Like I was but the thought of eating just made me nauseous, maybe I'm just tired of eating the same thing at home at 6 and ate a salad for dinner.  One of those pre made one with stuff added to it.  None of them are over 300 calories, its great and they are so good.  I have no idea how many calories I burn during the day standing and walking around  so I can't put any output, but I suppose my total for the day is less?  Maybe not today because I haven't moved since I ate...but for my usual day.

Diet Soda-0

So now I'm kinda hungry, but I'm doing a good job at just avoiding the kitchen and keeping my total at under 300 for the day. I have another salad for dinner tomorrow, but I don't have work so I'm kind of worried about eating more then I should...but I'm going to try to do my best. I really want to lose these last few pounds and meet my first goal....105lbs. I can do this. Another thing I want to start doing is posting thinspo in my I'm gonna try it since this is the first of the month.

1 comment:

  1. great job today you will totally make 105 soon
    love the thinspo xx
