Saturday, October 29, 2011

Well its over between us. I can't fucking believe this, not even an explanation! I sent him an email and I get a delivery fail. He fucking blocked me!! Like what the fuck?!? Everything he told me was just a fucking lie I gues. I don't think I've ever felt do used in my life, not even the whole ordeal with my last ex made me feel as bad as I do right now. I'm too pissed to be upset and cry but we'll see how I feel tmw when I get up.


  1. I'm sorry darling that sounds terrible....feel better

  2. What a fucking assbag. I just got dumped as well. Got the whole "I love you but I'm not in love with you" speech. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN! Fuck them, fuck asshole shitbags that promise us the world and throw us away like last weeks chinese. Fuck. that. Keep strong! Always here if you need me! Xo
